Turning Your Website Into a Lead Generation Machine
Let’s be honest: you don’t need to be an expert in web design to build a website anymore. There are some great tools available that make it possible for pretty much anyone to build their own site, which is awesome for small businesses with limited budgets that are just starting out.
But, there’s a downside.
While anyone can create a website, not everyone nails turning it into a lead generation machine on the first try. A website is your primary tool for converting visitors into leads, and there’s a lot involved in getting it right.
Many website designs start off with good intentions but fall short and fail to produce the type of results that growing businesses need. If this hits a little too close to home, now’s the time to push aside what you think you know and brush up on these three tactics for turning your website into a lean, mean lead generation machine.
Narrow Your Focus
Too many small businesses make the mistake of trying to be everything to everyone. The idea is that bigger means better when it comes to the size of your audience. While it’s true that you can’t generate leads without traffic to begin with, the fact is that too broad of a focus produces unqualified leads at best.
Instead of going wide, choose to narrow it down.
For example, a company that sells athletic shoes has a very broad market in theory. After all, most people are interested in athletic shoes at some point in their lives.
But, appealing to those “sometime” buyers doesn’t do much for really growing a business. If they changed the focus of their website to tailor it towards a niche market, like long distance runners, the audience will be smaller, but more interested in connecting with the brand.
Narrower, targeted audiences will find more value in what you’re offering, and this is exactly the market base that turns into qualified leads.
Make It Easy with Page Design
There are some websites out there that are great to look at but fail because they’re missing critical lead generation features. The important thing to remember here is that visitors shouldn’t need to work to give you their information. If you haven’t made it easy for them, it really doesn’t matter how great the rest of your site is.
Make sure you design with elements of lead generation in mind. For example, CTAs should be prominently placed with a clear, defined intention.
This also isn’t the place to make assumptions about which pages will generate the most leads with a CTA. Experiment with landing pages, your homepage and even product pages. Then, test and test some more until you’re not just satisfied, but impressed with the results.
Leverage the Lead Generation Potential of Testimonials
If you’re a new or smaller business, there’s a good chance that many of the potential leads landing on your site are new to your brand. This means that they’re probably asking themselves one very important question.
Why should they trust you?
Whether they’re giving you an email address for a monthly newsletter or filling out a lengthier form for a quote, they need to know that they can trust you and the quality of your service.
For smaller businesses, testimonials provide the validity that your brand needs.
Just one or two honest customer testimonials on your page will increase the level of trust. Customer reviews and testimonials are so impactful that 84% of people trust them just as much as they would word of mouth from a friend.
Web Design that Produces Results
Want to learn even more about web design tactics that will turn your site into a lead generation machine? Contact Ola Moana Marketing. We’re experts in website design and digital marketing, and we’re here to help you grow your business.