How SEO and Social Media Drive Traffic
SEO and Social Media Marketing
Search engine optimization and social media marketing are both great ways to drive traffic to your clients website. As an SEO provider, you probably know just how hard it can be to convince business owners that social media and search engine marketing are a necessity to having a thriving business. Many of your leads will ask you if they really need both. It is important to look at how both can have an affect on online business.
SEO and Social Media Marketing
SEO Services
Over 50% of consumers today use search engines to find businesses and services. That is a pretty high number. This means for a business owner to have their website discovered they need to rank well in the search engines. Google makes things easy for you with tools that can help a client see exactly what keywords they should use to get ranked on the search engine page. SEO is critical to ensure that this happens. Getting Google ranked happens with SEO more so than social media services.
Social Media Marketing
Over 75% of people between the ages of 18-26 use social media recommendations before buying products. If this is your demographic, it is really where you want to be. It is a great way for your business to get discovered with great free press. These platforms also allow you to freely engage with consumers in real time. This means negative complaints can be dealt with immediately before it hits the search engines and ends up online. You can also generate traffic directly to your site.
Using Both
While both SEO and social media marketing offer slightly different ways to bring traffic to your website, offering your client both is the best way to go. Why use only one strategy, when you can use two to ensure you get successful results. If your clients invest time and money in both they will see how SEO can actually help their social media, and vice versa.
SEO providers know that every SEO client needs a quality strategy to get results. At Web Leads, we not only offer affordable, high quality SEO packages but helpful customer care to ensure you close and provide great service for total success.